Freelance journalist
and mother with
endless ideas.

Always curious
and driven to
make things happen.

I live in Lisbon, Portugal, with my partner and our two daughters.

The last years I have freelanced for Swedish media. I have worked as a reporter and/or a digital editor for magazines like mama, amelia, Sköna hem, Leva & Bo, ToppHälsa, MåBra, Drömhem & Trädgård, M Magasin, Tara and more.

After 10+ years of writing I have started to move towards new fields of journalism, with my interview podcast Mammaintervjun. Check it out over here!

Some people call me brave, but I would say it is my passion, determination, curiosity and ambition (and to some extent also restlessness) that leads my way.

I am the happiest when I can be creative and meet people (which often happens through a phone or video call these days, as we all know). I love researching and interviewing.

Before I started freelancing I was employed at Bonnier Magazines. As a digital editor, I worked for VeckoRevyn, ToppHälsa, amelia, mama and Sköna hem.

Previous to that I worked as a news reporter at Dagens Nyheter and as a news reporter and digital editor at Tidningen Ångermanland and Örnsköldsviks Allehanda.

I have a degree in journalism from Mittuniversitetet in Sundsvall and I have also studied media & communication at Örebro Universitet as well as “Reportagelinjen” at Jakobsbergs Folkhögskola. On top of that I have studied photography and digital editing, gender studies, German and Portuguese at Swedish universities.

Nowadays I navigate between Swedish, English, Portuguese and German on a daily basis – puh!

SEND ME AN EMAIL if you think I am the woman for your text and audio production, editing, content creation, event moderating or radio/tv hosting (yes childhood dream, there is still time to achieve it!).